A guide to spotting common problems with numbers

You do not have to do math to spot potential problems! This reference for quality control alerts proofreaders and copyeditors to common errors in numerical content and helps them write intelligent queries: 14,600 words, including a glossary, 22 figures, 8 tables, and 2 printable checklists.
Check out the book blog for timely discussions, and log in to the book site to download your printable checklists. Enter the last word in Table 5 as your password to exclusive content.
Table of Contents
1.1 Average — Mean, Median, and Mode (plus Range)
1.2 Estimating
1.3 Numbers
1.4 Odds
1.5 Operations
1.6 Parts of an Equation
1.7 Percentage Points
1.8 Ratios: Decimals, Fractions, and Percents
1.9 Rounding
1.10 Significant Figures
1.11 “Factor Of”
1.12 Common Factors
2.1 Geometric Vocabulary
2.2 2-D Shapes
2.3 3-D Objects
2.4 Naming Shapes and Objects
2.5 Location (incl. 2-D Coordinates)
2.6 Motion
3.1 Imperial Notation
3.2 Metric Notation
3.3 Converting Measurements
3.4 Parts per Million
5.1 Temperature and Heat
5.2 Relative Humidity
6.1 Editing Checklist for Tables
6.2 Column and Row Contents
6.3 Choosing Note Markers for Tables
7.1 Editing Checklist for Graphs
7.2 Parts of a Graph
7.3 Slopes and Curves
7.4 Pitfalls of Graphs
7.5 Types of Graphs and Their Best/Worst Uses
8.1 Special Characters
8.2 Roman Numerals
8.3 Time
10.1 Pace Calculations
10.2 Fee Calculations
10.3 Project Estimates
For reference, a table of common mathematical symbols. Do not copy these into a Word document; use the Advanced Symbol button on the Insert ribbon. For HTML pages, however, copying the symbols below will work.
Symbol | Meaning |
∠ | angle |
∢ | angle in a circle |
∑ | sum (total of addition) |
< | less than |
> | greater than |
≤ | less than or equal to |
≥ | greater than or equal to |
= | equal to or total |
≠ | not equal to |
≈ | about equal to |
∶ | ratio |
𝜋 | pi (3.14) |
° | degree |
√ | square root |
𝜇 | mu |
∆ | change |
× | multiply |
• | multiply |
/ | division or fraction |
÷ | divide |
+ | add or plus |
− | subtract (minus) or negative |
± | plus or minus |
% | percent (per 100) |
′ | prime |
″ | double prime |
∴ | therefore |
∵ | because |
~ | about, or similar |
The A to Z of common mathematical terms.

When publishers asked Adrienne to edit math workbooks, she said no. They asked her again, and again she said no. She had some number dyslexia. She wasn’t “good at math” — despite taking “triple math” back in the days when there was a grade 13. About the fifth time the publisher came back with the request, Adrienne said “Fine. As long as you know I’m not good at it.” After several years of editing math, Adrienne felt ok with it, and the internal critic quieted down. She even got some author credits on math workbooks for middle grades.
Adrienne wasn’t nearly so scared of science, so that’s mostly what she edited for the first 16 years: school science materials. Eventually, she started to teach editors to use Word and PDF markup, and teaching editors editing as well as technology now makes up about half of her work.
Today Adrienne lives in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, with her small family and a cat who doesn’t “cat” very well. She is found editing, writing about editing, teaching editing, and being silly on social media as “SciEditor.”
ISBN 978-1-7750457-4-8