futuristic stylized robot hand picking at projected data

Stop Word from Scraping Your Content to Train its AI

Word is turning on AI by default and claims the right to use your “data” to train it. If you have an NDA or other contractual or ethical need to protect the content in the files you are working on, turn off Connected Experiences. If you don’t see this option right now, check back frequently until you do; features are rolled out to users over time.

What are “Connected experiences”

This will change over time, as Microsoft adjusts and grows. Right now, Microsoft says that spelling and grammar checks are involved as well as the Immersive Reader and Read Aloud functions.

a map "locator pin" styled as the MS Word logo
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“With Editor, for example, when you check the spelling of a word, that word and some of the words before and after that word is sent to Microsoft. No more than five words are sent at a time. If you’re checking grammar or style, one sentence at a time is sent to the Microsoft service that is designed to perform this task.” (source)

“Machine learning” is used for these tools in Editor. That describes the LLMs and other tools that the general public calls “AI.”

It also says that data they transmit is encrypted, and given that clients are probably not turning off spellcheck or other “Editor” features, any “exposure” of their content will have started with them.

Steps for Windows users

In Word, look in File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Privacy Options > Privacy Settings.

Though it says “turn ON optional connected experiences” it is an opt-out feature that will have been turned on by default. Click to remove the checkmark.

Trust Centre view of Word Options
Privacy Options view of Trust Centre in MS Word
Privacy Settings and MS Word showing where to turn off the "optional" connected experiences
Steps for Mac users

In Word’s preferences, click Privacy then deselect the checkbox near the bottom. Though it says “turn ON optional connected experiences,” it is an opt-out feature that will have been turned on by default.

Steps for Word on the web users

Look for the “Trust Centre” settings. Though it says “turn ON optional connected experiences” it is an opt-out feature that will have been turned on by default.

The use of AI in the Office suite outside of Word is far more extensive.

Bad news, PerfectIt users on Mac: This scraping feature has to be ON to use PerfectIt Cloud. Not that PI scrapes anything, just Word. I don’t know if there’s a solution. I will post one if I find it!

Got a gnarly Word problem? Submit your problem and we’ll try to answer it in the Q&A thread.

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