Typing cmd + F now opens this Find in Document pop-up in MS Word for Mac. The pop-up works much the same way as this simple find always did. And clicking the kabob menu to the right of the Search field opens the drop-down menu shown, where you can launch the Replace window or the Search pane (sidebar) to see a list of matches for the searched characters.
Search field update!
Continue reading Mac’s new Find in Document Pop-up for Word →
Over on the Right Angels and Polo Bears blog, I’ve been testing the hot new AI out for editing. While it’s true that generative pretrained translators (GPTs) are advancing so fast that my post may be out of date by the time I edit it, the verdict remains that AI isn’t ready to take over copyediting jobs. In this post I find it can’t even write a useful Find & Replace sequence using wildcards. I’m sad about that, because writing those can be a brain twister!
Continue reading Using ChatGPT to Write Wildcard Searches →
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