1) Check the Icon on the Review Ribbon
Look on the Review ribbon. If the Track Changes button is greyed (Windows users) or the switch is green (Mac users), changes are being tracked.
2) Just Type
Start typing. If Track Changes is on, you’ll see your actions marked up. How this looks exactly is determined by your Markup Options settings (on the Review ribbon) and which page view you have chosen. Beware that if the tracking is set to anything but “All Markup”, you may not see changes on screen.
3) Check the Status Line
Look for the status on the bottom border of the window. You may have to turn on that feature by right-clicking on a grey part of that border and selecting the option.
4) Change Background Colour via a Macro
If you create a macro to toggle TC on and off, you can add a step that changes the background colour at the same time. That way, whenever the background is pale peach, for example, you know that TC is turned on. However, the background colour is only displayed in page view. So this trick won’t work if you like working in Outline or Draft view, for example.
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