You already know Word. You feel pretty comfortable using it to edit manuscripts. Now it’s time to make the most of it! This is the advanced class you’ve been asking for.
Join colleagues for five self-paced lessons then meet up live once each week and chat in Slack about successes and challenges. Get real-time help with the features.
Class starts
Jan 19, 2023
What this Word Class Covers
- Customizations to the Word workspace
- Ways to use the tools you know in new ways for more efficiency
- Tools & tricks in Word to help you see the words like new
- Optimal workflows
- Rescue steps for files that are malfunctioning
See the full lesson list on the course site.
What You Need
- Word 365 or 2019 (or 2016 in a pinch)
- Mac or Windows computer (course covers both)
- Web browser for demos, lessons & live Zoom meetings
- Slack (free) for ongoing class chat and support during the course
- Enroll & mark your calendar for Jan 19, 2023!
We’ll vote on the best meeting time for Thursdays, then set it. Can’t make a live session? No worries! All material is available when you are.

Need to learn more about the essential Word features and tools? Open the next course, below.
Join fellow editors in this 4-week course on the essentials of Word for editors, starting Jan 19th, 2023. Hit the editing desk at full speed!
Class starts
Jan 19, 2023
- Mac or Windows computer
- Internet access
- Video watching & docx file download ability
- MS Word 365 (or as old as Word 2019*)
- Free Slack account
- No editing experience required!
*Not much has changed since the 2016 version of Word, beyond how it looks. Users of older versions of Word will get a lot out of this course too.
What you’ll learn
Beyond the basics of:
- Track Changes
- Styles
- Find & Replace (with RegEx & Wildcards)
See the full course syllabus at Archer Editorial Training!
How it works
Each week at noon Eastern on Thursday, we’ll gather in our exclusive Slack channel to check in, problem solve, and talk about that week’s lesson. The lessons are available for you to view, review, and complete at any time.
Each lesson has a short reading, a video demo or two (for Mac and Windows, both), and an exercise. There is no grading, only learning opportunities. We concentrate on using the tools, not on the language of the materials.
There will be one wrap-up check-in after the 4th lesson, to address any lingering questions or insights.
Can’t make the time slot?
Not to worry! The course materials are always available on Archer Editorial Training and our course Slack channel will be available any time. Instructor support lasts throughout the course and lesson access never expires! The instructor will check messages and posts daily.
Got a gnarly Word problem? Submit your problem and we’ll try to answer it in the Q&A thread.

Learn with us! Join a course today.
© This blog and all materials in it are copyright Adrienne Montgomerie on the date of publication. All rights reserved. No portion may be stored or distributed without express written permission. Asking is easy!