Set Select Pages in Landscape

Wide tables and infographics are just two reasons you might want to set a particular page to print in the horizontal, landscape orientation. If you’re preparing a manuscript for professional design, doing this only helps you work with the material. And anything the helps your work is worth doing. But if you’re producing, for example, an internal report entirely within Word, adjusting the page orientation to fit the content is vital.

Landscape orientation.
portrait of Adrienne Montgomerie
Portrait orientation.

To prevent the entire file from being set in landscape, first insert Section Breaks. Find this function on the Layout ribbon (see figure). There are many uses for Section Breaks; here we’re just using them to confine the orientation to the desired pages. Select simply Break > Section Break, Next Page from the Page Breaks option in the Page Setup group.

Insert a Section Break both before and after the material that should be set in landscape. Then, place the cursor within that section, and select Orientation > Landscape on the Layout ribbon. That’s it!

The Section Breaks are visible here as a double-hashed line at the bottom of both the left and middle pages. With the cursor on the centre page, we can see that the Orientation on the Layout ribbon is set to Landscape.


Section break markers can get effectively hidden at the bottom of a very full page or even at the end of a line that nearly touches the margin. If you suspect a section break may be causing problems, search for them using regular expressions in the Find and Replace function.

book cover cropped to banner size
For instructions relating to section and page breaks, start on page 73 of the 2nd edition of the book.

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