Learn to Make the Most of Word

Do you even know what you don’t know? I didn’t!

I spent years, stumbling onto functions and tools in Word, then searching for hours to find out how to use them; skipping through long videos to find the 2 minutes that answered my question; wrapping my head around how what they said might apply to the publishing tasks and workflow.

There is an easier way!

That’s why I wrote Editing in Word. It might look like a book, but it’s really a self-study multimedia course tailored precisely to how editors can use Word to make it less painful and make their editing more effective and efficient.

And now there are two courses for editors with open start times. Learn what you want, when you need it, on your schedule and at your own pace:

cover of Essentials: Editing in Word 365

These materials cut right to the chase, and show how these tools are used in the editing workflow for best practices in a publishing environment.

You don’t need Word 365 to follow these materials. There’s little variety across the versions of Word.

Both Mac and Windows instructions are provided in the lessons and in the video demos.

Got a gnarly Word problem? Submit your problem and we’ll try to answer it in the Q&A thread.

Learn with us! Join a course today.

© This blog and all materials in it are copyright Adrienne Montgomerie on the date of publication. All rights reserved. No portion may be stored or distributed without express written permission. Asking is easy!

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