Q&A: Is there an easy way to make a list of figures?

QIs there a way to generate a list of figures and tables in a book (in the FM)? Using a Word function?

AYes! When styles have been applied to the captions/titles, it’s a snap! There are also plugins and macros that will do this, explained below.

More Uses for a Table or List of Figures!

a map "locator pin" styled as the MS Word logo
Find out more about using Advanced Find and Replace in section 10 of the book, and look in section 11 for more on using Styles.

Once these steps give you a list of figures in a file, you can use it for a global check of consistency and style, sequential numbering, and other editorial concerns. It’s easier to see ways to improve such elements when they’re grouped in a list.


Any changes will have to be made in the original caption/title too. The list isn’t linked content/fields.

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